The jewellery industry is thriving and is estimated to be worth around £250 billion in 2022, increasing to £300 billion in 2028. Due to this, it is no surprise that more people than ever want a piece of that pie.
Due to the industry being so saturated and competition finding new and innovative methods of manufacturing and the creation of new materials, it can be difficult to break barriers, cause disruption or even look different from your competitors.
Those who create a thorough marketing strategy can seriously benefit from this as it will help to break through barriers where your competitors are not. In this article, we will go through some simple tips on how to market a jewellery business without spending a fortune. For the purpose of this article, we are already going to assume you have a website, if you don’t, this is the first thing you need to get set up. Shopify is certainly your best option for selling jewellery.
Optimise Your Site For Search Engines
Whether you are selling your jewellery at fairs, a brick-and-mortar store or through retailers, you are going to want a well-optimised website that search engines can crawl. This doesn’t have to be a huge website, but something that shows your products off, it needs to look professional and it must be easy to use. Each page needs some content on there with designated keywords. For example, if you were a vintage jewellery shop, and had a page for ruby rings. One keyword you may want is “vintage diamond ruby ring”. This will tell google what you are selling and will show your website on the search engine results page.
Use Pinterest To Advertise Your Jewellery
Pinterest until recently was a platform for bloggers and photographers. Now, more businesses are hedging their bets against their competitors by posting their products on Pinterest as more people than ever are purchasing from this platform. If you are looking for a cheap way to advertise your jewellery business, Pinterest is definitely up there. When people go to Pinterest, they know what they are looking for, so like with SEO, your product name and description should have relevant keywords in them such as vintage emerald rings if you are selling emerald rings.
List and Advertise On Etsy
There is a huge trend at the moment with more people than ever making handmade products and then selling them on Etsy for the world to see. Etsy is definitely one of the best places to be if you are an artisan. Even if you are not, many people are selling premium jewellery on this platform too. Have a look to see if your jewellery fits the niche and list it on Etsy, you will be surprised how cheap it is to list products on here. As with any form of marketing keyword research is essential as most algorithms work from keywords these days. Ensure that your product name and description have these terms in them so they get higher listing positions.
There are many ways in which you can market your jewellery business, and some may be more expensive than others so it is important to do your research before committing to a marketing strategy.